Is it Normal to Be Sore After a Massage?

Is it Normal to Be Sore After a Massage?

Having a massage is a great way to relax and feel refreshed. However, it’s important to make sure you are properly hydrated and nourished before and after the massage. This will prevent bruising and discomfort from developing. It’s also important to be aware of how your body reacts to various kinds of massage. A deeper massage, for example, can be more painful than a relaxing one. The reason is that the pressure of the massage is designed to penetrate deep into the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. If your body doesn’t receive enough fluids, it can develop a buildup of salts and electrolytes. These can result in dehydration, muscle pain, and neurological sensitivity.


Bruising after a massage can be an unpleasant sensation. However, it is not a serious injury. Bruising is a normal part of the body’s reaction to tissue breakdown. It may appear as a small welt on your skin.

Bruising after a massage can be caused by several factors. Some people bruise easier than others. Also, some people have underlying medical conditions that make them more prone to bruising.

Using a warm compress on the affected area can help the bruise heal quicker. Ice can also help reduce the size of the bruise. If your bruise persists, it is a good idea to visit a physician.

One of the best ways to reduce the chances of bruising is to avoid deep tissue massage. This type of massage aims to break up adhesions in the muscles and tissues.


Dehydration is one of the main reasons for soreness after a massage. Whether you get a massage from a therapist or by yourself, you should always drink water after the treatment. This can prevent the pain you’re feeling and help your body recover faster.

Water is the best nutrient for your body. It aids in lubricating your joints, transporting oxygen to your cells, and flushing toxins out of your system. However, most people don’t drink enough of it.

Massage stimulates circulation and carries away waste materials, such as viruses and allergens. You may not realize that this is the reason you’re experiencing soreness after a massage.

When you are dehydrated, your kidneys have to work harder to filter out unwanted fluids. This process is known as glomerular filtration.

Electrolyte imbalances

Electrolyte imbalances can occur when the body is dehydrated. If you are suffering from an electrolyte imbalance, you should drink extra water to help flush out toxins.

Electrolyte imbalances can also occur when you are sick or have a fever. This may be due to a number of different factors, including medication, diarrhea, and sweating.

If you are experiencing a low potassium level, you can correct this with a potassium rich diet. You can also drink sports drinks to replace lost electrolytes.

It is important to drink enough fluids when working out or taking a hot bath. When the muscles become dehydrated, they become less supple and more prone to soreness.

In addition to being dehydrated, people who are on medications such as statin drugs or diuretics can also develop an electrolyte imbalance. Your doctor may recommend changing your medications to improve your electrolyte levels.

Deep tissue massage

The soreness that occurs after a deep tissue massage is very common. However, it should not be considered as a permanent condition. Typically, it will go away after a couple of days. If it lasts longer than a day or two, you should seek medical attention.

One reason why people may experience soreness after a deep tissue massage is due to dehydration. They will need to replenish their fluids immediately after a massage. It is important that you drink enough water and that you avoid consuming too much caffeine.

Another reason for soreness after a massage is the fact that the body may have released some toxins. These toxins are released when the muscles relax. While these toxins are normally removed from the body by natural means, this can be improved through massage.

Neurological sensitivity

Post-massage soreness can be common for some people. It can occur if you haven’t had a massage in a while or if you’ve had a more intense massage, such as a deep tissue massage. The good news is that soreness is normal and will go away within a day or two. But you should take measures to reduce your soreness and prevent it from becoming worse.

First, make sure to drink plenty of water. Your muscles will become more pliable and flexible if they are well hydrated. Water also flushes out toxins and keeps them from building up. You can also use ice packs for 15 minutes at a time.

Another option is to drink an herbal tea. Many herbs have properties that can improve muscle relaxation and ease pain. Some of these include clove, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne.

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